Carnie's Comments


It was probably 15 years ago, I was sitting in one of my favourite lunch spots and the new manager, a friend of mine, took a seat for a chat.

He was a busy man so I wondered how he had time to manage the place.

He said, "I keep an eye on things at all hours of the day."

He showed me his phone. It was hooked up to a number of cameras in the establishment. He was there even when he wasn't there.

It made me feel uncomfortable.

That technology is even better now. 

A recently published story from the Canadian Press tells me the technology can now track just about everything we do in the workplace, from your exact location to how much time you spend in the washroom and what you're accomplishing while you're on the clock.

It's a growing concern for many workers and our federal government knows it. Our lawmakers are in the midst of bringing in new rules with the proposed Bill C-27, "which would set out obligations for high impact" artificial intelligence systems.

It's kind of scary, isn't it?