Carnie's Comments


It's Throwback Thursday - just a minute to remember the good old days.

The good folks in the village of Marquis are raising funds to fix up their old rink right now. That sparks memories for me.

Let me take you back to the winter of 1976-77, my first year of pee wee hockey. I played for the St. Andrew's Orioles in Moose Jaw's Church Minor Hockey League. We were awful.

We went out to Marquis to play the farm kids one Saturday afternoon. We were short-handed. Our best player and our goalie were out of the line-up.

By the time the 2nd intermission arrived, we were trailing 21-0. It was humiliating.

The Marquis coach decided to go with just three skaters for the 3rd period. That was embarrassing too.

I couldn't wait to get out of there but I kept plugging away and, late in the game, I got a breakaway. I went in and ripped a wrist shot low to the stick side. I scored. 

We celebrated like we just won a championship. 

I don't remember all the goals I scored as a kid but I'll never forget that one.

Oh, and by the way, the final score was 27-1. I'll never forget that either.