Hundreds of pylons were neatly laid out, arranged into a series of winding turns that transformed the Moose Jaw Galaxy Theatre parking lot into the track for Saturday's OSI-CAN Mini Indy Race for Recovery go-cart racing track.

Teams travelled to Moose Jaw from as far away as Plentywood, Montana, to push their carts to the limits, racing flat-out and turning every corner into a hairpin. The sounds of cart engines and tires skidding filled the air while spectators observed the racers battle it out on the track.

The drivers weren't just there to compete for cart racing glory, as the races are also held to raise funds for and bring awareness to the work done by the men and women of OSI-CAN.

OSI-CAN is an organization founded eight years ago in Regina with the mission of providing support, counseling and community to veterans and front line protectors of the nation, with a specific focus on the journey to recovery from Occupational or Operational Stress Injuries. 

Since its inception OSI-CAN has established itself across western Canada, with branches in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba allowing for those in need of their services to find support and community close to home.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of Occupational or Operational Stress Injuries, PTSD or would benefit from the peer support groups offered by OSI-CAN, you can find out more and how to participate by visiting the OSI-CAN website.